Listing :

COMPLIANCE LISTING TO AUSTRALIAN STANDARD AS5062-2016 "FIRE PROTECTION OF MOBILE AND TRANSPORTABLE EQUIPMENT"-"ENGINEERED STANDARD". The Inspection Services Body certifies that ETI FIRE SYSTEMS when supplying fire protection product to the below listed defitinitions are in compliance to the standard stated above. ISB maintains comprehensive inspection and test records as part of its verification process to ISO17020



Submitted 16 Jan 2009
Listed April 2009

Verification of cylinder vessel design requirements.
Design compliance to AS 2470-2005

ETI has gained design certification registration with WorkCover NSW Australia for all cylinders manufactured to Australian Standards. Ref: Certificate numbers GC 6-123444/09, GC- 6-129108/10, GC- 6-129109/10. It has also completed a "CE" certification program to certify theses cylinders as safe for customers requiring CE compliance to European standards


July 2011

Ref Technical Bulletin TB 029
ETI FIRE SYSTEMS - Relief Valve Warning and Service Bulletin

November 2011

Ref Technical Bulletin TB 030
New Product Release - Superagent

November 2011

Ref Technical Bulletin TB 031
New Product Release - Fire Wire
September 2014   302-0914-001  The ETI Engineered Fire Suppression System has been listed as defined in the ETI technical manual, 9th edition. It has been assessed by ISB for each component and as a complete system in live fire testing. Any system intalled, for listing compliance, must be in compliance to the design rules stated in that manual.